Friday 12 November 2010

Film Opening Sequence Conventions

The two film openings we watched were from Agent Cody Banks and Monster's Inc. One difference we found between the two was that Agent Cody Banks seemed to introduce and focus on the main character from the very beginning, giving the audience an introduction to the main character and other featured characters in the film. 

Monsters Inc focused more on the location and main story line, therefore giving the audience an insight to the overall narrative. From watching the first few minutes of the opening sequence we realised there was no introduction to main characters as such.

Similar features in both opening sequences is the music soundtrack, as both matched the genre of the films; Agent Cody Banks being an action genre and Monsters Inc as an adventure, comedy. Looking at the title sequence and credits, both films fit the credits into the genre. In Monster Inc these were brightly coloured and bouncy, which corresponds with the narrative of the film, making it more appealing to a younger audience.

The credits was also put before the film started in Monsters Inc which made it fun and energetic, also grabbing attention of the audience and building up to the start of the film unlike Agent Cody Banks, which included the credits while the opening sequence was playing, these were subtle and dully coloured alongside the film so the audience can concentrate on the establishment of the conventions.

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