Tuesday 30 November 2010


12P2-33 BBFC U
  • No discrimination
  • No drugs
  • Very little horror
  • No language
  • No nudity
  • No sex
  • Very little imitable behavior
  • Children's film genres - such as fantasy, adventure, comedy etc.
  •   Little violence 
Examples of such films could be: The Incredibles, Finding Nemo, High School Musical. All these films fit the conventions within classifying films.

U Classification movies are suitable for everyone. It won't be inappropriate for younger children in any way. The film would usually have such a storyline that isn't normal and every day, but would instead be fantasy in a situation that children normally would pretend they are in as a game. This means the child would enjoy the children's film more as it's something they would like to see.

U Classification also wouldn't contain mature themes such as sex or drugs, and sex is rarely referenced and if it is, it is in a very subtle way that a child would not pick up on.

12P2-33 BBFC PG
  • Unlikely to see any discrimination
  • If any reference to illegal drugs then an anti - drug message should be included. 
  • No intense or extended horror scenes. 
  • No actions or details which will be likely for a child to imitate or copy. 
  • Mild bad language. 
  • Natural nudity.
  • Sex scenes should be discrete.
  • No themes will contain unacceptable or serious behaviour. 
  • No serious violence with very little detail.
  • Don't make easily accessible weapons look good.
Examples of such films could be: The Simpsons Movie, The Haunted Mansion, Spy Kids. All of these films fit the PG BBFC Classification.

PG Classification movies should be watched with parental guidance as some scenes may be inappropriate for children under the age of 8. It won't be too inappropriate for younger children but parents may see some scenes that they aren't comfortable with their child watching, these scenes would include sexual references, violence etc. The film would usually have such a storyline that isn't normal and every day if it is aimed to children, but is more likely to contain believable story-lines than a U Classification. This means the film may contain more inappropriate for children scenes, but wouldn't contain anything too extreme.

PG Classification also may contain mature themes with occasional sex references being in most PG films, however these sexual references usually go over the child's head in the sense that they wont pick up on it and is instead aimed more towards the parents. These are common in PG films because children's films tend to contain jokes more aimed towards the parents that the child wouldn't pick up on.

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