Friday, 3 December 2010

Mise En Scene

Costume: As the opening sequence is the introduction to the characters which are superhero's, costumes will play an important part with this. All the main three characters will have superhero costumes on, such as a mask to cover the face, and a top to show the logo of their superhero's name. As well as that the characters are normal students at college, so they will have normal everyday clothes. The superhero costumes will show and help the audience establish that the characters are superhero's, and although the superhero's wear masks to hide their identity, they are easy to identify when they're not in their superhero costume. 

Location: The location of the opening sequence is firstly in an interviewing room, where the superhero's are interviewed. It's just a small room with a plain background, so the audience can concentrate more on the characters and listen to what they are saying in order to understand the story. It then moves onto a college, as the superhero's are normal teenage students, so it can show them in their natural surroundings.  It's also a simple and familiar location to children, so they are able to understand. Although at the end of the scene, the superhero's meet in the forest as this is the location of their first mission. 

Props: Props such as food and drink, and bags and books are used in the college to show that it is a college and that the characters are normal everyday people. Not many others are used as it is just the opening of the film, and we want to make it seem simple and not too complicated with gadgets etc. 

A film similar to this is The Incredibles, although it is animated, the characters live two different lives, living normal lives and living the life of a superhero. The costumes used are also similar and the film includes some elements of our mise-en-scene.  

Lighting: The lighting used at the beginning when the superhero's are on screen is completely different to the lighting used when the superhero's are their normal identity. The characters when superhero's will have shadowing over their faces to make them seem more mysterious and sly. This will match the personality and their characters, as they are people with secret identity's. Whereas when the characters are sitting in college, the lighting will be natural normal lighting, to make the scene look natural. 

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