Monday 6 December 2010

STEVEN HEATH - Individual Blog

As a group, we have decided that 3 members of our group will be acting in the opening sequence and 1 member will be filming. The roles are as follows;
  • Jade - Lightning Girl
  • Emily - Elastigirl
  • Esther - Catwoman
  • Steven - Camera work
The costumes we will be using will have to fit around the Superhero genre and will include stereotypical superhero costumes. At the start of our opening sequence, before the superpowers are brought to the knowledge of the audience, the characters will be wearing every day clothes. Whoever is wearing the certain costume is responsible for bringing it in, except minor props and small costume items that other members of the group will bring in to share.

We will be filming in a number of places around the college site. We are unsure of how busy certain areas will be so we will decide on outdoor locations and a few indoor locations at the time of filming, so we can film in a quiet area for efficiency of filming. We have also decided to use the Refectory as the Establishing Shot of our opening sequence so the viewer knows it's a school which suggest the characters are normal students at first. We do not need permission to film in the places we have decided on, as students have permitted access to these areas during college hours. However, if on the day we decide to film somewhere that we need permission for, we will gain permission before entry.

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